
The main mission of the CIRVE project, which stands for Corredores Ibéricos de Infraestruturas de Recharga Rápida de Veículos Elétricos, is to connect the Iberian Peninsula to the other countries of the European Union, through the installation of a total of 58 fast charging stations, 18 of which in Portugal, along the main communication routes of both countries. The location of these infrastructures will allow the connection Lisbon-Madrid-Irun-France and Oporto-Valladolid-San Sebastian-France.

The project, co-financed by the European Union, is developed in Portugal by MOBI.E, Galp, and CEiiA.

July 2016 to July 2022

Total estimated cost of the action:      €1,508,693
– Installation of 18 fast charging stations in Alcochete, Aveiro, Celorico da Beira, Elvas, Guarda, Lisbon, Montemor-o-Novo, Porto and Vouzela – 2022

– With interoperability at national level ensured since 2011, it is intended to achieve cross-border and European Union level by the end of 2021